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Amazon Price Tracker
Displays the price changes for a product listed on Amazon
iOS & Mac App Store Ranking
Displays the app ranking for a specific region
MacBook Battery Info
Displays statistics about your MacBook's battery
Bitcoin Price
Displays the current Bitcoin price in your preferred currency
Clicky Stats
Displays the stats from for today's unique visitors and bounce rate
Displays a countdown until a certain date and time
Currency Exchange Rate
Displays the current exchange rate for a currency pair
Available Disk Space
Displays how much space you have left on your main HD
Dribbble Stats
Displays the number of likes for a Dribbble shot or the number of followers for a profile
Facebook Page Stats
Displays the total likes/follows for a Facebook page
Fantasy Premier League Points
Displays the total number of game week points for your team on
Fitbit Stats
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Displays stats from your Fitbit account
GitHub Project Stats
Displays information about a public GitHub Repo
Google Play Reports Status
Displays whether the Google Play reports have been released for today
Google Play Store Ranking
Displays the app ranking for a specific region
Hacker News Karma
Displays your Karma on Hacker News
Instagram Follower Count
Displays the total followers for an Instagram account
iTunes Connect Sales
Displays yesterday's sales proceeds based on PST (Local) timezone
iTunes Reports Status
Displays whether the iTunes reports have been released for today
Linode Bandwidth
Displays the bandwidth stats for your Linode account
MailChimp Stats
Displays the number of subscribers for a specific mailing list
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Product Hunt Upvotes
Displays the total upvotes for a Product Hunt submission
StackOverflow Reputation
Displays your reputation on StackOverflow
Stock Price Tracker
Displays the stock price for a given stock symbol
Stripe Balance
Displays your current available balance on Stripe
World Time
Displays the current time for a selected timezone
Time Passed Since
Displays the time since a specific date and time in the past
Travel Time
Displays how long it will take by car in current traffic to get to a destination
Twitter Followers
Displays the number of followers for a Twitter account
Current Weather
Displays the current temperature and weather for a given location
Website Status Checker
Displays whether a website is online or offline
Word of the Day
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Displays the word of the day from Merriam-Webster
YouTube Channel Stats
Displays the current total subscriber count, comment count, or viewCount
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YouTube Video Stats
Quit Dashboard Mac
Displays the current view, comment, like, dislike, or favorite counts for a specific YouTube Video
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Zendesk Unsolved Tickets
Dashboard Widgets Mac
Displays how many unsolved tickets there are on a Zendesk support account